ISAs are a tax efficient way of holding investments. There is no Income or Capital Gains Tax arising from holdings within an ISA, and all withdrawals are tax-free. We can set up stocks and shares ISAs for the whole family, from the usual ISA to those saving for their first property (a LISA) or Junior ISAs (JISAs).

What is an ISA?

An ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a tax-free wrapper that allows individuals to invest up to £20,000 a year. There’s no income tax or capital gains tax (CGT) to pay on any income or profits from your ISA investments.

What is a JISA?

Junior ISAs are tax-free savings accounts for under 18s. Anyone can pay into a junior ISA, up to a maximum of £9,000 in the tax year. There’s no personal income or capital gains tax to pay on any growth. All money in the account belongs to the child however they cannot access it until they turn 18.

What is a LISA?

A LISA (Lifetime ISA) is a type of ISA created to help people aged 18-40 save for their first home or retirement.  You can put in up to £4,000 each year, until you’re 50, but you must make your first payment into your ISA before you’re 40.  The government will add a 25% bonus to your savings, up to a maximum of £1,000 per year.

Why choose an MVAM ISA/JISA/LISA?

How much can you save?

From 6th April 2021 – 5th April 2022, everyone gets an annual overall allowance of £20,000. For a Junior ISA, the allowance is £9,000 a year.  The annual allowances are updated each year.

Transfer in other ISAs

Had enough of having ISAs dotted around different investment managers? Some do well, some do badly. So, your overall returns, after those fees, are disappointing? You can transfer your previous year’s stocks and shares or cash ISA into our stocks and shares ISA without affecting your current year’s ISA allowance. You can also transfer your current year’s cash ISA to stocks and shares ISA, provided you transfer the whole amount.

If you are an existing client please call or email us and we will send you a transfer form. Phone 01306 776 999 or email


  • We will take a risk with your ISA money in line with your profile, so we could lose some of your money.
  • Stocks can go down as well as up.

How it works

  1. Choose what matters to you – choose whether you want income or growth from your MVAM portfolio and select an account type: a tax-free Stocks and Shares ISA, flexible General Investment Account, SIPP/SSAS or Corporate Pension.
  1. Answer a few questions – complete our questionnaire about your investment aims, how much you want to invest, and the amount of risk you’re comfortable with. We then get to work building a low-cost investment portfolio to suit your risk level.
  1. We match you to a portfolio – the portfolio we’ll suggest is designed to maximise returns for your risk level. Once you’re invested, we do the rest: managing your portfolio and fine-tuning its investments to keep you on track.

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