Short Term Bond

Short Term Bond

What is it for? 

The primary objective of a short-term UK government bond portfolio is to provide investors with a predictable income stream while preserving their capital.  UK government bonds, also known as gilts, are considered one of the safest investment options available because they are backed by the UK government’s creditworthiness.  By investing solely in short-term gilts, investors can minimise their exposure to interest rate fluctuations and market volatility.

What does it do? 

Short-term UK government bonds offer a fixed coupon rate, providing investors with a predictable income stream throughout the bond’s lifespan.

What you need to know

Why Mole Valley Asset Management? 

  • Expertise in multi-asset allocation investment.
  • The size of MVAM means that we can invest in the best companies regardless of their size, unlike larger investment houses.
  • Fees are fair and transparent, and we align our rewards to the success of our product.


  • May be suitable for investors who are seeking to generate a steady stream of income while minimising their exposure to risk through a consistent, repeatable strategy.
  • Appropriate for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolio and reduce their overall risk exposure.
  • Money back usually within a week of receiving a redemption request.


  • While this type of portfolio is considered low risk, it is important to note that the returns may be lower compared to other investment options.

We say...

The Short-Term Bond Portfolio is focused on obtaining a better return than cash after costs while having very low potential for loss. Investments will be made into government bonds that are less than three years and held to maturity the portfolio may hold cash at times. The associated risk is deemed to be low created by the stability of government bonds and their limited duration.

This investment is suitable if you are looking for some income from your assets and expect to hold bonds.

You should not buy this portfolio if: 

  1. You are looking for high returns.
  2. You are looking for significant returns against benchmark indices.
  3. Returns will be relatively muted when interest rates are low.

Frequently asked questions

What types of bonds are typically included in a short-term bond portfolio?

The portfolio holds short-term UK government bonds.

How does a short-term bond portfolio differ from a long-term bond portfolio?

Short-term portfolios are less affected by interest rate changes and are generally considered to have lower risk.

What role does a short-term bond portfolio play in a diversified investment strategy?

Short-term bond portfolios can act as a stabilizing force in a diversified investment portfolio. They provide regular interest income and can help offset the potential volatility of higher-risk assets like stocks.

How do interest rates affect short-term bond portfolios?

Short-term bond portfolios are less sensitive to interest rate changes compared to longer-term portfolios. When interest rates rise, the value of existing bonds might decrease, but since the bonds in a short-term portfolio have shorter maturities, they mature relatively quickly, allowing investors to reinvest at higher rates.

Can short-term bond portfolios provide income?

Yes, short-term bond portfolios can provide income in the form of interest payments. Since the bonds have shorter maturities, the interest payments are typically more frequent compared to longer-term bonds.

Are short-term bond portfolios suitable for everyone?

Short-term bond portfolios can be suitable for conservative investors who prioritize capital preservation and a steady income stream. However, investors with a higher risk tolerance or those seeking higher potential returns might prefer other investment options.

Are short-term bond portfolios completely risk-free?

No investment is entirely risk-free. While short-term bond portfolios are generally considered lower risk, they still carry risks such as credit risk and interest rate risk. It’s important to understand and manage these risks when building and maintaining your portfolio.


The value of your investment in this portfolio and the income from it may go down as well as up and you may not get back what you invested.