‘When Black Friday meets Cyber Monday’ As we approached the crucial Christmas shopping period,...
‘You’ve Never Had It So Good’ Homo sapiens (correctly written this month!!) in general...
‘Let me tell you a story……’ The recent find of another human species, Homo...
‘Have you been watching…?’ “Don’t panic, don’t panic” and “Wur doomed” may have been...
‘Viva la volatility’ Trading volumes in equity markets have tumbled in the last month...
‘Close Shave with your Investments’ “Never trust a man with a small black moustache”...
‘Prophesy is a good line of business, but it is full of risks.’ Wow!...
‘Still Building Our Own Easter Island?’ Nearly three years ago I wrote a report...
‘What a Meze!’ A Meze is a Greek speciality, a selection of small dishes...
‘Every Little Helps’ Every Picture Tells a Story may have been croaked by Rod...
‘The End of the Last Great Bull Market?’ As we start the New Year...
‘A Christmas K.I.S.S.’ ECB, GDP, LTRO to name but a very few, the economic...