Estate Planning

We often think of estate planning as a way of minimising Inheritance Tax (IHT) when you die, but it’s also about understanding what you need to live on now and in the future and ensuring that you plan the most efficient use of your assets.

We Can Help:

  • You are creating financial plan that’s as unique as you are
  • You retain control while investing in a tax efficient manner
  • Make use of the Nil Rate Band and Residential Nil Rate Band
  • Calculate what you can afford to give away
  • Make use of trusts so that you avoid the pitfalls of gifting too early
  • Manage you (potential) IHT bill with an appropriate strategy
  • Consult with your other advisers to ensure a joined-up approach

Portfolios you may be interested in

AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio

To reduce your IHT liability we invest in companies listed on the UK’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) that qualify for Business Property Relief. Investments in such companies held for at least two years are potentially IHT tax-free under current legislation.

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Premium Dividend Portfolio

The Premium Dividend portfolio will invest in 25 companies in the UK and Europe that will give you a steady and growing stream of income. The companies we invest in will demonstrate an ability to pay a consistent, growing dividend throughout the business cycle.

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Rain or Shine Portfolio

In life, everyone has ups and downs. Investment has the same peaks and troughs. Reducing the magnitude of the downside increases the long-term investment upside return.​

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