Savings & Investments

We Can Help:

  • Work out regular savings plan. How much can you comfortably afford to save and where to invest those savings
  • Provide you with an investment plan for a lump sum
  • For both we will ask you what you hope to achieve, over what timescale and how much risk you’re prepared to take with those savings and investments.
  • Make sure that investments recommended are suitable for you, that you understand any investment risk involved and that this is consistent with the level of risk you’re happy to take and the return you might expect to receive
  • Make sure that any product charges are low and that they are not eating into your investment returns
  • Maximise tax advantages and tax allowances
  • Monitor and review existing savings and investments to ensure you’re still on track
  • Advise on any changes that may be necessary to keep you on track
  • If you are a trustee and need advice on an investment strategy for the trust monies.

We Advise On:

  • Savings Accounts;
  • National Savings and Investments
  • ISA’s
  • Unit Trusts and OEIC’s
  • Onshore and Offshore Bonds
  • Investment Trusts
  • With-Profit Investments
  • Structured Products and Hedge Funds
  • Exchange Traded Funds
  • Venture Capital Trusts
  • Enterprise Investment Schemes

Portfolios you may be interested in

Bespoke Investment Portfolio

Our definition of a Bespoke Investment portfolio is directly correlated to the situation and need of each individual client. A portfolio, which is created for a young businesswoman might not be diversified enough for a retired army officer. As you can imagine the situation and needs, in this case, are likely to be dramatically different.

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Fixed Income Portfolio

If you just need some peace of mind that your money won’t disappear in the hard times and at least make some return in the good, this is the portfolio for you.

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