School & University Fees Planning

Saving for school fees can represent a significant financial commitment for many families and with the increasing costs of university tuition, this too has a significant impact.

  • Consider what’s needed to fund each stage of education
  • Support you in designing a saving and investment strategy to meet those bills.
  • Ensure there is a clear plan
  • Make use of tax efficient savings solutions
  • Provide regular reviews to make sure things are on track.
  • Children’s pensions and Junior ISAs/LISAs

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Bespoke Investment Portfolio

Our definition of a Bespoke Investment portfolio is directly correlated to the situation and need of each individual client. A portfolio, which is created for a young businesswoman might not be diversified enough for a retired army officer. As you can imagine the situation and needs, in this case, are likely to be dramatically different.

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Premium Dividend Portfolio

The Premium Dividend portfolio will invest in 25 companies in the UK and Europe that will give you a steady and growing stream of income. The companies we invest in will demonstrate an ability to pay a consistent, growing dividend throughout the business cycle.

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Make the World Better Portfolio

We recognise that whilst our clients quite rightly expect a financial return from their investments, it doesn’t have to be at the expense of our environment or detrimental to our society.

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